Prepairing for your visit

Pre Admission
Please follow your doctor’s instructions regarding your preparation for the procedure. Your physician’s office has given you the date and approximate time of your procedure. The Center will call you the day prior to confirm the time of your arrival.

Day of Your Procedure
Please wear comfortable clothing as it is easier to change into your gown. You will be asked about any known food or drug allergies you may have. You will also be asked to sign a routine informed consent form to indicate that you have been made aware of the risks, alternatives to, and possible complications of the procedure. Bring your insurance information, your identification, and any co-pay of deductible required by your insurance company. Also, be sure to bring any medication you will need to take after the procedure. The Center accepts cash, personal checks, Visa, Discover Card, and MasterCard.

Please make arrangements to have a responsible adult with you for the duration of the procedure (1 1/2 – 2 hours). Procedures cannot start without having the present.

Going Home
When it is time for you to be discharged, verbal and written instructions will be given to you for your care at home. A nurse will call you at home to check on your progress and to answer any questions. We hope you will be pleased with the service you receive.

On returning home be sure to follow your doctor’s orders regarding diet, rest, and any medications. Should you have any problems or concerns about your procedure after hours, please contact your doctor.

Do not conduct any financial or legal transactions that day. Do not drive or operate any heavy machinery.

We appreciate your courtesy in informing us at least 24 hours in advance at 504-885-7676 if you need to cancel your procedure or if you are going to be late.

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